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Presentations, Media Interviews, and Podcasts
- BarCamp 2018 - Unlocking Quirks as Superpowers presentation: How do we use the aspects that make us different as superpowers? I decided to answer that question as a 45-minute presentation for BarCamp Philly. Watch the recording on YouTube.
- PANMA - Hacking Healthcare presentation: I delivered a 7-minute presentation as part of the Philadelphia Area New Media Association's annual Show and Tell Event, which features a series of lightning presentations around a particular topic. My topic focused on how Get Covered Philly is helping to promote the Open Enrollment Period for Health Insurance in Philadelphia. Watch the presentation on YouTube.
- WHYY's The Pulse - Unintended Consequences: I talked to producer Shai Ben-Yaacov about my journey to self-acceptance, first through fitness and then finding joy through food and community. Listen on WHYY's website (segment begins at 32:30).
- Breaking Mayberry podcast - I Thought I Might Find a Riot Here!: I guest starred on episode six of Breaking Mayberry, a podcast that examines The Andy Griffith Show through a modern lens, to talk about voter suppression and women running for office with hosts/friends Martin R. Schneider and Dan Ludwig. Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts. (Content warning: strong language)